Drafted in to create a unique, consistent and appealing tone of voice for Babylon's new healthcheck app, helping them achieve their mission to put an accessible and affordable health service in the hands of every person on earth.  

Agency: IDEO 
Brand: Babylon
Work: Tone of voice


Babylon, the company behind the app described as "A game changer in the world of on-demand healthcare", is launching a new product. And this one might be even more revolutionary than the last. Naturally, something like this needs to look, sound and feel new. I was brought in to develop a tone of voice that would match the experience. 

While nothing like this app exists, there are countless indirect competitors, operating within a shared sphere. So I spent some time researching how they talked, how they acted and how they are perceived. I found patterns and then looked at other markets that were crowded with these same kinds of voices to see who was cutting through the noise and how. And I discovered the whitespace for Babylon, the area that wasn't crowded, that would allow them to stand out. From this, I developed the tone of voice and showed how to apply it to the various sections and screens within the app.


  • I rolled the tone of voice out to 27 app screens as well as producing a guide around it.
  • Also produced tagline options and did value proposition work for the app.